International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21. By the way, it is said that from an ordinary person to a celebrity, yoga to keep oneself fit, and one of them is Shilpa Shetty.
yoga day 2022 Shilpa Shetty yoga tips for a healthy and slim body
Mumbai, first published June 20, 2022, at 2:01 PM IST
entertainment table. Like every year, this year is International Yoga Day on June 21.
Yoga is believed to eliminate many ailments, and many have also recovered from it.
From ordinary people to celebrities, yoga has long been part of their routine for maintaining a healthy life.
As for Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, no one can say she’s acting at 47.
Even though he has two children and a family, he only keeps himself fit through yoga.
Not only does Shilpa stay fit with yoga, but she tells others about staying healthy with her advice and tricks. He also released several of his DVDs as an attachment.
Shilpa Shetty follows these yoga postures.
Shilpa Shetty is one of those Bollywood actors known for her fitness and perfect body.
He says he keeps himself fit through yoga and follows the proper diet. It is said that he keeps himself fit by doing yoga, and his skin always glows.
Shilpa Shetty yoga
- Surya Namaskar: She makes Surya Namaskar in the morning. It has 12 easy ones. This asana should be done in an open space. As a result, the nervous system stays in order, and blood circulation improves.
- Natarajasana: By doing this, asana helps to lose weight. Nevertheless, calcium does not accumulate in the body, and many diseases can be avoided.
- Pranayama: You can get rid of respiratory diseases by doing this yoga asana. By doing this, clean air enters the lungs, which keeps the mind healthy.
- Kapalbhati: Shilpa Shetty does this quickly every day to keep herself fit. Thanks to this, the glow on their face is maintained, and the blood circulation is also in order.
- Padmasana: This yoga asana helps in digestion. Thanks to this, the mind remains calm, and the whole day is spent typically.
- Chakrasana: Shilpa Shetty does this quickly daily to reduce belly fat and control her weight. This yoga asana proves to be very useful in daily life.
- Garudasana: Shilpa Shetty strictly follows this asana to maintain energy for herself throughout the day. Because of this, his mind is at work, and the body stays in order.
Shilpa Shetty shared these easy habits.
Shilpa Shetty believes that many people do not take time out of their tight schedules or get bored with the same exercises.
He also talked about easy ways to get rid of it. Recently, while sharing a video, he talked about how to avoid a boring routine.
He was told that the dynamic Anjaneyasana and Bandha Trikonasana could be followed.
Adherence to these asanas helps to strengthen the thigh muscles, quadriceps and buttocks. This maintains the balance and flexibility of the body.
I have been doing yoga with Baba Ramdev.
Suppose Shilpa Shetty has been seen doing yoga with yoga guru Baba Ramdev many times.
In addition, he is a big fan of Baba Ramdev and follows the yoga tips he gives.
Shilpa had said in an interview that she had given discipline to her life thanks to yoga.